Thursday, July 14, 2016

MacKenzie & Colton (Bridals)

I love doing floral design work for friends! Well, anyone really. I really appreciate help I get from my family, and I like working with them too.
Heather, my sister, helped me with these crowns for MacKenzie.

MacKenzie couldn't decide which leaf she wanted for her floral crown, so we made two and she could decide which one she like the best. 

These are silk leaf crowns. It was done this way so MacKenzie could use them, or one of them, for her bridals and wedding.

After Heather and I worked on the crowns we did a mini photo shoot with them! Heather took all the photos for our mini shoot. We had a lot of fun. :)

We called this one the hymn book green crown. We fell in love with the deep rich color of this one.

This one we called the small light green crown. It's not that the crown itself was smaller, just the leaves were.

When MacKenzie came to get her crowns she liked both of them! But planned on using the hymn book green one for her bridals and wedding.

When time came for her bridals, they arrived to their destination and everything; MacKenzie noticed the hymn book green one was gone. Someone stole it! Rude. Thankfully she brought both of the crowns, so she wasn't empty handed for her bridals.

I wish she could have used the crown she wanted to use in the first place, but I do think her bridals are beautiful with the small light green crown.

Aren't these beautiful and unique?! These fabulous photos were taken by Jessica Richardson.
You look awesome MacKenzie!!! So happy Heather and I could help. :)

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